In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus says to his followers, “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.”
In Holy Baptism our gracious heavenly Father liberates us from sin and death by joining us to the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We are born children of a fallen humanity; in the waters of Baptism we are reborn children of God and inheritors of eternal life. By water and the Holy Spirit we are made members of the Church, which is the body of Christ. As we live with him and with his people, we grow in faith, love, and obedience to the will of God. (Adapted from the Baptismal Liturgy)
Children and adults of any age may be baptized. Please contact the church office or pastor to provide your contact information. The pastor will schedule a time to meet with the you to review and answer questions about our basic beliefs in regards to baptism.
Baptisms are held during worship on Sunday mornings.
When bringing your child for Baptism, it is the beginning of a new life in Christ for your child. It is a the start of a covenant relationship, much like marriage. You play a very important role in helping your child grow in faith and realize the full benefit of their baptism.
During the service, you will be making the promise before God and the church to “place in your child’s hands the Word of God (the Bible) and its teachings, bring them regularly (weekly) to worship in God’s house, and provide for their instruction in the Christian faith.”
This means that you will be making a commitment to 1) nurture your child’s relationship with God, the church, its pastor and members. 2) bring your child to worship on a weekly basis. 3) teach your child to pray at meals, bedtime, and other occasions. 4) provide for their Christian instruction at home, in Sunday School, and other children’s programs provided by the church. 5) Bring your child to confirmation. 6) Celebrate your child’s baptismal birthday. 7) Provide an example of a Christian life. 8) Provide them with a Bible at the appropriate age and help them to read it.
To fulfill these promises, families who plan to baptize their children at St. Paul's should be members who are actively involved in the ministry of the church.